Monday, December 04, 2006

ICTY ...

Adding to what I now realize could be seen as a travelogue of atrocity/genocide tourism (Dachau, Tibet, Rwanda, Ypres ... ), I joined a law-faculty sponsored trip to Haag (mispronounce as "The Hague") and the International Criminal Tribunal of the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY for short) where we got introductions from various Leuven alums working on a range of ICC business and got to sit in on the Milutinovic et al. (Sainovic, Ojdanic, Lazarevic, etc.) trial ... rather erie seeing them in person in the courtroom ... I was lost in my thoughts all afternoon, and didn't pay much attention to the boring testimony or the funny outfits of the lawyers ...

Understandably, security was very tight, so I was only able to abscond with this picture of the exterior of the old insurance-company-turned-temprorary-court ... fairly unassuming

1 comment:

Andrew said...

have you ever thought of compiling your own travel guide? i'm sure that most people who travel in europe (or anywhere else that you've been) haven't seen as many interesting and off-the-beaten-path things as you.